simplicity & generosity

The freedom to limit or let go of anything that distracts us from joyfully giving more of ourselves to Jesus and his kingdom.


O, how amiable this simplicity is! Who will give it to me? I leave all for this. It is the pearl
of the Gospel. -
Francois Fenelon

We live in a cultural moment enchanted by the lie that “more is better.” Ironically,
however, the pursuit of more has left us feeling like we have less space for the things
that really matter in life like spirituality, meaning, creativity, relationships, and generosity.
In this series, we will explore the ancient way of simplicity, which is an invitation to
find more of God’s kingdom by emptying ourselves of anything that would distract us
from this single-minded pursuit. Simplicity is an inward way of being that results in an
outward life-style of freedom, joy, and abundant generosity.

Practice Guide

Practice guides will be released every week to help our church learn about and implement simplicity & generosity. This is a great resource for individuals, couples, Discipleship Groups, and MCs alike!

Sermon AUDIO

Full Gathering Recordings
