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Justice & Reconciliation

Restoring people, places, and systems from hostility to harmony with God, others, and creation

Practice Guide

Pastors Brandon Shields, Kent Livingston, and Bobby Barbour put together a four-week guide that walks us through a gospel-centered approach to justice and reconciliation:


To discuss a topic as complex as justice & reconciliation, we need to agree on the definitions of certain terms and concepts. Check out our glossary for a full list of terms and definitions:


Interested in more resources as you expand your understanding of justice & reconciliation? Check out our list of recommendations:


Check out our series of podcasts from members of our congregation reflecting on each week’s sermon.

Sermon Archive

Listen to audio tracks of Justice & Reconciliation sermons at all three of our churches:

Slide Decks

Click or tap the buttons below to download slide decks from sermons at Midtown over the course of this series.